Exceptionnally this year the 9th International Cancer Cluster Showcase will be launched in digital format as a satellite event of the BIO 2020 Convention. MATWIN & the Pôle Médicen Paris Region as co-organizers invite you to register for this focused and dynamic event.
From June 8th until July 8th 2020 access the “Virtual Event” :
- to the 4 mn video pitches of 20+ emerging companies offering cutting edge oncology innovations from the leading North American and European industry clusters partners of the event!
- Join 200+ representatives of the international oncology community (Bus Dev and Licensing Executives from international Pharma and Biotech, VCs & Biopharma’s Venture Funds, Researchers and clinicians, TTOs…)
FREE and COMPULSORY registration
More on : http://www.internationalcancercluster.org/
Register here : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-virtual-international-cancer-cluster-showcase-2020-tickets-88549693517