Voluntarily anchored in the territories of New Aquitaine, this roadshow proposed by the Health Innovation Alliance Nouvelle-Aquitaine is an opportunity to connect regional players in the field of cancer.
The objectives of this roadshow are multiple:
- Link industrialists, academics, researchers and clinicians and extend their contact opportunities following the merger of the territories of Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes,
- Present a showcase of the skills and dynamism of the players in this highly strategic area for the Region,
- Develop collaboration and business opportunities between actors in New Aquitaine through Networking meetings.
After the meeting in Limoges which gathered nearly 110 participants, this second stage of the Roadshow Cancer will take place on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 in Poitiers; we are waiting for you there to discover and meet the actors of the fight against cancer. This stage will be particularly dedicated to innovations in the field of innovative treatments, targeted therapies, immunotherapy, etc.
Program, information and registration: https://connect.eventtia.com/en/dmz/allisna_roadshow-cancer_02/website