Prix Galien distinguishes outstanding, recent and publicly available health innovations (all therapeutics combined) as well as iconic research. It therefore contributes, in particular, to promote and energize health research and to encourage laboratories and the teams that advance it. It honors exceptional innovations in all areas of health: medicine, medical device, e-health but also support for the patient.
TO CANDIDATE AT “Prix Galien 2018”, IT’S SIMPLE !
1- make sure that your innovation fits well into one of the 5 strands of the Prix Galien France
2- Prepare all the pieces requested in the pane in which you compete
3- send your complete file before June 8, 2018 at midnight to the following address: (we recommend the use of or or any other platform of your choice, for sending in one block of all your pieces). An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to you upon receipt of your message, followed, as soon as possible, a personalized confirmation of the registration of your application.
4- Once your application has been approved by the organizing committee (between June 11 and June 30, 2018), expect to pay the FILE CHARGES corresponding to the part in which you are applying.
Your application, once endorsed by the Organizing Committee and the Prix Galien jury, will be mentioned:
- on
- in the Daily of the Pharmacist, the Daily of the Doctor and Health Decision
- at the announcement of the list of candidates 2018
- in the press release sent to the general media and health sector current 2018 at the Galen Awards Ceremony
For any questions, please contact Maud Pilloud, Innovation & Galen Operation Manager: Consult the rules of Prix Galien France
For more information: