MATWIN is a partner of the 3rd International Meeting of Biotechnologies (RIB) co-organized by LEEM and BPI France, focused this year around immuno-oncology. These 3rd International Meeting of Biotechnologies will take place on February 7th, 2018 from 9am to 6pm at Hub Bpifrance, Boulevard Haussmann in Paris.
These Meetings were created in 2015 in partnership with Bpifrance to organize in the morning a succession of presentations of companies chosen by the jury and the afternoon of B to B meetings between these companies and the international teams of major pharmaceutical companies;
- The 2015 meetings were on the theme of rare diseases and gave rise to 90 B to B meetings
- The 2016 meetings were on the theme of neurological diseases and also resulted in 90 B to B appointments
- Those of February 7, 2018 are on immuno-oncology.
This theme is chosen jointly with the team of International Research Meetings, which traditionally took place on the eve of international biotechnology meetings on February 6th, 2018, to bring together academic teams and the same international teams of major pharmaceutical groups.
In order to select 20 biotechnology companies positioned in the field of immunology-oncology, please find below the documents to download:
- A joint call for projects Leem-Bpifrance giving the scope of these meetings and the procedure to follow.
- The file to fill
- The company form to be completed
All these documents must be completed in English and sent back to before September 29, 2017.
These documents are then sent to a jury composed of industrialists, investors and researchers for evaluation.
For RIB 2018, the jury is made up of the following personalities:
President :
Christian Deleuze (Sanofi)
Special Advisor:
Annick Schwebig
Emmanuel Conseiller(MATWIN)
Rafaele Tordjman (Sofinnova)
Pascale Augé (Inserm transfer)
Chahra Louafi (Bpi) + Benoit Barteau (Bpi)
Marie-Pierre Chevalier (Pfizer)
Patrice Denèfle (Roche)
Jean-Christophe Barland (BMS) President Leem Cancer Committee
Jean-Pierre Armand (Special Adviser Gustave Roussy DITEP)
Gilles Favre (Canceropole Grand Sud Ouest)
Nathalie Chaput (IGR)
Marion Cassiau (Bpi)
Isabelle Delattre (Leem)
Once the companies are selected by the jury, the companies are invited to a grand oral presentation of their project on December 6, 2018 at Leem, for a final selection stage.
Company presentations on the morning of the meetings are in English as well as most B to B meetings in the afternoon.
A coaching of the selected companies is organized from mid-December in order to better prepare the presentations of the morning which can not exceed 7 mn.
The list of appointments made by industry will be communicated to each biotechnology company one week before the RIB