Interview of Benjamin GAREL, General Manager of Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster who signed a partnership with MATWIN last May 2023
Partnership press release: -the cancer/
1/ Can you explain in a few words what the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster consists of?
“The Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster (PSCC) is the French cluster dedicated to oncology labeled as part of France 2030. Its objective is to accelerate innovation against cancer, for the benefit of patients and contributing to the economy. French. Our mission is to be a catalyst between all players in oncology, from academics to patients, including start-ups, SMEs, large groups, clinicians, investors… to promote exchanges and collaborations. In order to remove the obstacles at each stage, we are a single point of entry to access a complete offer for innovative projects: access to experts, to high-level technical platforms, to deep real-life data, funding, offices and laboratories, networking… The PSCC site will be in Villejuif, in an area dedicated to innovation, with up to 100,000m2 accessible by metro from the center of Paris to promote connections between all these actors. »
2/ You recently announced that you have signed a partnership with MATWIN, for what reasons?
“We are delighted to have signed a partnership with MATWIN. It was obvious. We are both specialized in cancer and with the same objective of contributing to innovation and building bridges between academia and industry. MATWIN has built a real reputation over the last 15 years on the basis of its expertise and the quality of its network. Our goal at the PSCC is also to build on what works, to facilitate access for projects. As part of this partnership, we will pool our strengths to propose joint actions for innovative projects. »
3/ What do you think will make the difference tomorrow to change the game in terms of cancer innovation?
The solution is certainly multifactorial, but I see four key points: collaboration between the public and the private sector through real cooperative links, transmission of expertise in both directions; strengthening the links between care, research and industry, in particular through access to data and samples from care and essential for research and innovation; strengthening the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels, including at the regulatory level; and finally, we must not let go of the basic research and training that are at the origin of innovations. The PSCC will have a direct role in helping to reinforce at least the first two points and MATWIN will help us to do so ! »