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The goal of this Translational Research Day is to foster interactions between clinicians and researchers in the North-West inter-region, networking and setting up collaborative projects.

This is a first day that will bring together the actors of the NOC and CLIP2 of Caen and Lille.

Program :

In the morning: Presentation of CLIP2 from Caen and Lille and the NOC’s research axes, followed by a round table: How to make fundamental research, CLIPs and the pharmaceutical industry interact?

Afternoon: Work in small groups in parallel around 3 themes that will concern radiotherapy; personalized medicine; hematology.

The research teams will be able to quickly present their research work in progress, clinical clinicians in the process of editing / writing in order to address the questions / expectations that arise on both sides to finalize collaborative translational projects.

Registration is free but mandatory until March 17, 2019 on https://www.escape.canceropole-nordouest.org/#/

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