Annual meeting of the Canceropôle PACA
The Annual Canceropôle PACA meeting is open to all cancer research teams in the PACA region (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur): researchers, clinicians, bioinformaticians, chemists, mathematicians, physicists, doctoral students, post-docs, etc.
- 2 calls for oral communications (classic and SHS-E-SP)
- 1 poster call
You will find some unavoidable:
The “Teasing posters” session, dedicated to young people
The call for oral communications (young researchers)
Highlights of the year
Publications highlighted
Presentations of projects supported by Cancéropôle (emergence, pre-maturation, SHS-E-SP, EmA, translational research)
A friendly activity to create exchanges and new contacts
And this year, prizes for the best posters and oral communications, selected jointly by the members of the Scientific Committee and the public!
2 parallel sessions will be organized:
– 1 session dedicated to doctoral schools,
– 1 session dedicated to the Humanities, Epidemiology and Public Health (Call for oral presentations, place your abstracts on the platform).
For any question, problem of registration or deposit of abstract, you can contact Ariane at 04 91 32 47 00 or
Information, registration: