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The 14th GSO Cancéropôle Days will take place on 21, 22 and 23 November 2018 at the Palais des Congrès in La Grande-Motte (Montpellier).

The exchanges will be organized around plenary sessions and parallel meetings. All sessions will be in English (except for Axis 4 sessions).
• Forty stakeholders, mainly from our region, will present the progress of their work. Renowned international speakers will complete the level of excellence desired by our Scientific Steering Committee.

• Selected oral communications and posters will enable researchers and clinicians from the Greater Southwest to present their work, the originality of their technological platform and potential industrial partnerships.


Call for oral communications: 10 September
Call for posters: October 1
Preferential rate: September 10
Deadline: October 15th


Sessions open to the call for oral communications:

– November 21:

The future of immunotherapy in oncology
Resistance and signaling
Genome dynamics and cancer
Translational research, from biology to the clinic
Health technologies for cancer: my techno in 180 seconds (all technologies)
Use of medical administrative databases in epidemiology and SHS (AAC)

– November 22:

Hepatocellular carcinoma
Virtual reality and cancer

– November 23:

Microbiota and cancer
• A “young researchers” poster competition, reserved for non-statutory researchers (doctoral students, post-docs and interns) will award 5 prizes (€ 800) to the best presentations.

• The Jean Paufique Foundation (Laboratoire Silab) will award a poster prize to young researchers on the theme of basic and applied research in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of dermatological pathologies and more particularly skin cancers.

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